Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

An Equal Opportunity Halloween Story

Filed under: General — by at 12:46 pm on Friday, October 31, 2008

Sally had been dreading today’s meeting with her new client Mr. Poe for weeks. She was meeting him in his home. He was a recluse; a rich recluse. She couldn’t pinpoint it, but something about the address made her feel extremely uneasy.If she wanted this lucrative contract, then she had to meet him on his terms.

Sally arranged with her boyfriend, who would be writing in a nearby a cafe around the corner, to text message OK every fifteen minutes. If he didn’t receive a message, he’d come running.

Having been assured by Mr. Poe that his place was, indeed, accessible – his mother was in a wheelchair when she lived with him for a few years before passing away – Sally put final touches on her presentation and got ready to leave her home office. Of course, being the end of October, the weather was rainy and windy, which didn’t help to motivate Sally to head out to her van. The thought of being paid handsomely when the project was done was the only thing that pushed her out the front door.

She found a parking space right in front of Mr. Poe’s home. She wouldn’t get too soaked wheeling from her van to the home. Thank good for small mercies! Before exiting her van, she text message her boyfriend to let him she had made it that far and to begin the clock on the first fifteen minutes.

Wheeling up the decrepit wooden ramp, Sally hoped her front wheels didn’t find any holes that she missed seeing. Is the money really worth it, she wondered. Reaching the porch, the door automatically opened. Sally cautiously wheeled into the darkened foyer; her cell phone at the ready on her lap.

Out of nowhere a ghost-like aberration appeared at Sally’s eye level, scaring Sally right out of her skin. With her body trembling and her heart beating loudly in her throat, she wanted to run! Her hand was shaking too much to grab for her phone.

Welcome, we have been expecting you, the aberration voiced. There is no need to be frightened, my dear. Follow me. It then became a guiding light down an amazingly wide hallway.

Hesitantly Sally followed…

What happens next is up to you! Add to the story by leaving a comment below or by finishing the story on your blog.

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Ever dreamed of earning a full-time income from blogging?

Filed under: General,Work — by at 7:53 pm on Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Blogger & Podcaster Media NetworkLate breaking news!

TechCrunch has announced the upcoming launch of the Blogger & Podcaster Media Network, giving small-time bloggers and podcasters the opportunity to earn a big-time income!

The Blogger & Podcaster Media Network (BPMN) is organizing  thousands of small- and medium-sized bloggers into a single entity with critical mass and providing a uniquely powerful promotional solution to marketers. Putting power and money into the hands of the smaller blogger who comprise the blogosphere’s majority is the BPMN’s goal.

The BPMN aggregates blogs and podcasts into one directory, making it easy for the non-blogging-type to quickly find relevant content, and then sells space to advertisers. Unlike Google’s AdSense that does not publish what percentage of revenue they share, the BPMN projects to return 70% of net revenues back to its members. And no ads need appear on the blogs themselves!

The revenue sharing is in the form of an affiliate program. According to BPMN CEO Larry Genkin, "Beyond what they generate directly, members will also share in the revenue generated by bloggers and podcasters they’ve referred into the BPMN. On average, each member referred in to the BPMN will yield the referring member $500-$1,000 annually. With over 100 million bloggers worldwide and more than
170,000 being added daily, a six-figure income is truly within reach."

And, this is not an American-only opportunity. Bloggers worldwide have the same opportunity to earn a decent income from the BPMN’s affiliate program! Any active blogger or podcaster who creates content at least on a monthly basis and does not post spam, pornographic, distasteful or hateful material is eligible.

The only two obligations are that each member agrees to link to The Blogger & Podcaster Guide and the the first $5 of earned commissions each month will go to The Blogger & Podcaster Network to help offset operating costs. Other than that, there are no costs to join and no exclusivity or cancellation requirements. Members may join any other network that serves their needs and may cancel membership in the BPMN at any time.

Other benefits include:

  • All members signing up by December 31, 2008 receive stock should the BPMN have a successful IPO or is acquired for large sum of money.
  • Members will receive exclusive deals and promotions provided by BPMN partners. At launch this will include $2,000 in services from PR Newswire, a powerful promotional service.
  • Members will have access to healthcare coverage, enabling them to focus on their blogs/podcasts full-time while still protecting their families. (The specifics are still being worked out.)

The Blogger & Podcaster Media Network is being rolled out in phases. The first phase is getting members quickly signed up en masse so advertisers look to the BPMN when deciding their 2009 budgets.

When does registration for the Blogger & Podcaster Network start? Today! You can register to join right now!

When registering, please kindly enter my name Glenda Watson Hyatt in the "Referred By" field. Then begin inviting your friends and colleagues to register. From my understanding, further details will be emailed to you when they become available.

This opportunity could put me well on my way to becoming the Six-Figure Left Thumb Blogger! Will you join me?

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What’s in My Networking Toolbox?

Filed under: Living with a disability,Work — by at 8:58 am on Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Debra and Glenda exchanging business cards

Last week I had the pleasure of being the guest speaker at the Surrey – Delta Chapter of the Valley Women’s Network. Networking is much more than exchanging the obligatory business card; although that is often the first step.  

Glenda Watson Hyatt prior to presenting

As a business woman with a physical disability and a significant speech impairment, I have had to find ways to network that work for me. In my presentation, offered below as a 15-minute video, I share what is in my networking toolbox.

Special thanks go to S. R. Emerson of Accrete Web Solutions for the hook up and to Bimy Dobson for the chauffeur service to the luncheon. 😉

What’s in your networking toolbox? Which tools are effective for you? Are there any taking up valuable space that need to be discarded? Are there any tools you would like to try?

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Blog Action Day 2008 – Poverty from a Personal Perspective

Filed under: Living with a disability,Work — by at 11:16 pm on Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Action Day 2008 - Poverty

Today is Blog Action Day 2008 – a day when bloggers from around the world join their voice to bring attention to a specific issue. This year’s issue is poverty. Living with a significant, lifetime physical disability, poverty is an issue with which I’m well-acquainted.

Here are a few sobering facts from the Council of Canadians with Disabilities

  • Persons with disabilities face levels of poverty almost twice that of persons without disabilities
  • Two-thirds of Canadian adults with disabilities lack one or more of the educational, workplace, aids, home modification or other supports they need
  • Almost 60% of working age adults with disabilities are currently unemployed or out of the labour market
  • For women with disabilities, almost 75% are unemployed/out of the labour market
  • According to the International Labour Organization, the annual loss of global GDP due to the exclusion of persons with disabilities from the labour market is between US$1.37 trillion and US$1.94 trillion (emphasis added)

I am one of the 75% of working age women with disabilities currently unemployed/underemployed; albeit, not by choice. I did have a part-time job for one year, shortly before I was married – a job I loved and was totally passionate about. I felt good and proud of myself to be of off social assistance, finally. But, it was a government-funded make work project and, at the end of the year, there was no more funding.

I did try to find another job and went few a few interviews, the ones I could physically get to. But then my significant speech impairment and typing speed were barriers. Many entry-level office jobs include answering the telephone and typing at a ridiculous speed. At that point, the value of the left thumb wasn’t appreciated.

Left with no viable choice, I decided to go the self-employment route. Not that I wanted to be without a regular paycheque, paid holidays, a pension plan and the other benefits that go along with a job, but, I figured, by working from home, I could accommodate my disability by not needing to deal with inaccessible buildings and I could work on a schedule that worked with my energy levels, as long as the work was done on time.

And, I have landed several interesting contracts through the years; oftentimes, the client was not aware of the extent of my cerebral palsy. My ability was measured by the worked I produced, not by how I produced it.

But, paying contracts were sporadic. So, when my husband was laid off due to the federally government’s decision to no longer fund computer training programs for people with disabilities – Darrell is a computer instructor, and a damn good one! – we ended up back on social assistance yet again.

Last week I received the Good and Services Tax Credit/BC Low Income Action Tax Credit Notice, along with fellow British Columbians. There in black and white is our 2007 family net income, which is well below the average income of working people with disabilities, ages 35 to 44, according to the Statistics Canada’s Participation and Activity Limitation Survey 2006 released yesterday. Our net income even falls below the Low Income Cut Off (also known as the poverty line) for communities with a population between 100,000-499,999.

That stings! After working off my butt in high school and then seven years at university, getting good grades, I never imagined being here at nearly age 42. And, when my able-bodied friends and colleagues make three or four times or more than I do, that hurts. I’d like to think I work as hard as they do, yet I am living below the poverty line. Why did I bother trying so hard all through school? What was the point?

But, I try to focus on the bright side. We eat two or three meals a day, which is much more than millions around the world eat. We have a beautiful home and, at the moment, we can afford the mortgage payment, making us more fortunate than many others. Our other basic needs and the occasional wants are met. We are in negligible credit card debt compared to others with four or five times the income. We could probably show the Suze Orman types a few ways to save money!

Recently we’ve been shopping at the Quest Food Exchange – a low-cost grocery store for those on social assistance. Quest saves over 480,830 pounds of non-marketable food (i.e. bent cans, dinged packages, slightly out-dated) every month from the landfills and redistributes it those in need. Initially, I was embarrassed to enter the store; after all, we aren’t that in need, leave the food for those who really need. Then I realized it wasn’t about swallowing pride; its about doing what is necessary to get by and, eventually, to get ahead.

I still believe it is possible to get off of social assistance, permanently, and to be on the other side of the poverty line. Until then, I am happy in life and feel blessed with all that I do have.

(I’d like to thank Jill Atkey at SPARC BC (Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia) for finding these statistics for me today. Thanks, Jill!)

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Giving Thanks

Filed under: General — by at 8:03 pm on Monday, October 13, 2008

The dishwasher is on its final cycle before I need to stop it before the dry cycle. Why pay for hydro to dry the dishes? So, now is a good time to share what I am thankful for, before the turkey’s seretoin fully kicks in: 

  • I am thankful for spending this afternoon with my Mom and my husband, and sharing a delicious turkey dinner with both of them. After being so far from Mom since I left for university on January 1, 1988, I am enjoying having her living a few miles away. Only time will tell how long she stay in Tswassessen. For now, I am cherishing the time we do spend together
  • I am thankful for my wonderfully supportive husband Darrell. I have learned so much and have done so much since marrying him. I enjoy simply being around him.
  • With so many people losing their homes, I am even more thankful for our beautiful home.
  • I am thankful that our kitchen cupboards are filled. It may not be gourmet food, but we definitely will not go hungry.
  • I am thankful for my health and for my body working as well as it does and that I am capable of doing so much. I’m particularly thankful for my amazing left thumb!
  • And, I am especially thankful for all of you – my readers, friends and fans throughout the blogosphere and beyond. I truly appreciate your friendship, connection and support. Thank you.

I invite you to join in Canadian Thanksgiving by sharing, in a comment below, what your are most thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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